Watch Highway 13 online
Can you stream the movie Highway 13, directed by William Berke & starring Clem Bevans, Michael Whalen, Pamela Blake & Robert Lowery on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Highway 13
Hank Wilson is a truck driver for a a big transportation company which is in financial straits. He is in love with Doris Lacy, a waitress at the truck-stop where the company has its truck fleet serviced. Frequent accidents near the p
TAGLINE: "DANGER AND MYSTERY AHEAD...ON THE JINX HIGHWAY -- patrolled by a Phantom Killer!" All streaming services available
Its release date is Tuesday December 28, 1948
Production details
Director | William Berke |
Cast | Clem Bevans, Michael Whalen, Pamela Blake & Robert Lowery |
Country of origin | United States of America |
Release date | 1948-12-28 |
Theme | B Movie |
Script | John Wilste & Maurice Tombragel |
Runtime | 58 min |