Watch His Musical Career online
Can you stream the Comedy movie His Musical Career, directed by Charles Chaplin & starring Charley Chase, Charlie Chaplin, Fritz Schade & Mack Swain on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: His Musical Career
Charlie and his partner are to deliver a piano to 666 Prospect St. and repossess one from 999 Prospect St. They confuse the addresses. The difficulties of delivering the piano by mule cart,...
Its release date is Saturday November 7, 1914
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Saturday November 7, 1914
Production details
Director | Charles Chaplin |
Cast | Charley Chase, Charlie Chaplin, Fritz Schade & Mack Swain |
Genre | Comedy |
Release date | 1914-11-07 |
Theme | Pianos Pianists |
Script | N/A |
Runtime | 16 min |