Watch Homesick online
Can you stream the Drama, History & Thriller movie Homesick, directed by Jason Farries & starring Emma Vansittart, Jason Farries, Samuel Lawrence & Zoe Cunningham on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Homesick
A university student returns home to self isolate during lockdown. He's totally alone, he's caught the virus and in order to cope he's started to talk to himself.
Its release date is Tuesday March 23, 2021
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Its release date is Tuesday March 23, 2021
Production details
Director | Jason Farries |
Cast | Emma Vansittart, Jason Farries, Samuel Lawrence & Zoe Cunningham |
Genre | Drama, History & Thriller |
Release date | 2021-03-23 |
Location | Atlanta, Iceland, Los Angeles & New York City |
Script | Sam Gosiewski |
Runtime | 112 min |