Watch Hot Pursuit online

Can you stream the Comedy movie Hot Pursuit, directed by Steven Lisberger & starring Jerry Stiller, John Cusack, Robert Loggia & Wendy Gazelle on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Hot Pursuit

Young Danny is following his rich girlfriend's family to the Caribbean. But suddenly he simply must take a chemistry test and cannot go with them. After they have left, he gets a leave from...

TAGLINE: "She promised him ten days together in paradise. He never dreamed how far he'd have to go."

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Its release date is Friday May 8, 1987

Production details

Director Steven Lisberger
Cast Jerry Stiller, John Cusack, Robert Loggia & Wendy Gazelle
Genre Comedy
Country of origin Mexico & The United States
Release date 1987-05-08
Theme American Cannabis, Boat, Chase, Girlfriend, Rescue & Smuggling
Place setting Caribbean
Location British Columbia & Mexico
Script Steven Lisberger (screenplay), Steven Lisberger (story) & Steven W. Carabatsos (screenplay)
Cinematography Frank Tidy
Box Office Revenue $4,215,859
Runtime 93 min


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Hot Pursuit | May 8th, 1987

Hot Pursuit
5.8/10 | By Steven Lisberger
Mexico & The United States | Comedy
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes