Watch Hounded online

Can you stream the Drama movie Hounded, directed by Angelina Maccarone & starring Kostja Ullmann, Maren Kroymann, Moritz Grove & Sıla Şahin on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Hounded

Angelina Maccarone's intense drama deals with the obsessive relationship between a confused teenager and an elder woman. Elsa Seifert successfully works as probation officer, but the ...

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Its release date is Sunday August 6, 2006

Production details

Director Angelina Maccarone
Cast Kostja Ullmann, Maren Kroymann, Moritz Grove & Sıla Şahin
Genre Drama
Country of origin Germany
Release date 2006-08-06
Theme Animated Death, Animated Dogs, Animated Foxes, Animated Friendship, Animated Orphans, Animated Revenge, Collar, Dominant Woman, Fetishism, Masochism, Older Woman Younger Man Relationship, Prejudice, Submissive, Whipping & Woman Director
Place setting North America
Script Susanne Billig
Music Buddy Baker (composer)
Runtime 87 min