Watch House of Bodies online
Can you stream the Crime & Thriller movie House of Bodies, directed by Alex Merkin & starring Alexz Johnson, Peter Fonda, Queen Latifah & Terrence Howard on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: House of Bodies
A detective works to solve a case involving a young deaf boy and a web site that's run out of a home that once belonged to a serial killer.
Its release date is Friday April 19, 2013
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Its release date is Friday April 19, 2013
Production details
Director | Alex Merkin |
Cast | Alexz Johnson, Peter Fonda, Queen Latifah & Terrence Howard |
Genre | Crime & Thriller |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2013-04-19 |
Theme | Amusement Parks Fiction, Copycat Killer, Historical Re-enactment, Internet Broadcast & Serial Killer |
Time setting | 2012 |
Script | Eddie Harris |
Cinematography | Lukasz Pruchnik |
Music | Chad Hugo |
Runtime | 79 min |