Watch I Am Michael online

Can you stream the Drama movie I Am Michael, directed by Justin Kelly & starring Daryl Hannah, Emma Roberts, James Franco & Zachary Quinto on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: I Am Michael

Based on the fascinating true-life story of Michael Glatze, a gay activist who becomes a Christian pastor after identifying as a heterosexual.

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Its release date is Thursday January 29, 2015

Production details

Director Justin Kelly
Cast Daryl Hannah, Emma Roberts, James Franco & Zachary Quinto
Genre Drama
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2015-01-29
Theme Biography, Church, Gay, Homophobia, Homophobic, LGBT Christianity, Minister & Preacher
Time setting 2000s
Location New York City
Script Benoit Denizet Lewis (based on the magazine article "My Ex-Gay Friend" by), Justin Kelly & Stacey Miller (based on an article by)
Cinematography Christopher Blauvelt
Music Tim K
Runtime 98 min


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I Am Michael | Jan 29th, 2015

I Am Michael
5.7/10 | By Justin Kelly
United States of America | Drama
Netflix Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation