Watch I, Anna online
Can you stream the Drama, Mystery & Thriller movie I, Anna, directed by Barnaby Southcombe & starring Charlotte Rampling, Eddie Marsan, Gabriel Byrne & Hayley Atwell on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: I, Anna
A noir thriller told from the point of view of a femme fatale, who falls for the detective in charge of a murder case.
TAGLINE: "The Darkest Secrets Are The Ones We Hide From Ourselves" All streaming services available
Its release date is Saturday March 3, 2012
Production details
Director | Barnaby Southcombe |
Cast | Charlotte Rampling, Eddie Marsan, Gabriel Byrne & Hayley Atwell |
Genre | Drama, Mystery & Thriller |
Country of origin | France & Germany |
Release date | 2012-03-03 |
Theme | Femme Fatale & Neo-noir |
Place setting | London |
Location | Hamburg & London |
Script | Barnaby Southcombe & Elsa Lewin (based on the novel by) |
Cinematography | Ben Smithard |
Music | Jean Michel Derain and David Braud as KID stands for keep it dark |
Runtime | 93 min |