Watch I Used to Be Darker online
Can you stream the Drama & Music movie I Used to Be Darker, directed by Matthew Porterfield & starring Deragh Campbell, Hannah Gross, Kim Taylor & Ned Oldham on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: I Used to Be Darker
A runaway seeks refuge with her aunt and uncle in Baltimore and finds their marriage ending and her cousin in crisis. In the days that follow, the family struggles to let go of the past while searching for new things to hold onto.
Its release date is Friday October 4, 2013
All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday October 4, 2013
Production details
Director | Matthew Porterfield |
Cast | Deragh Campbell, Hannah Gross, Kim Taylor & Ned Oldham |
Genre | Drama & Music |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2013-10-04 |
Place setting | Baltimore & Maryland |
Location | Baltimore & Maryland |
Script | Amy Belk (screenplay) & Matthew Porterfield (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Jeremy Saulnier |
Music | Linda Cohen & Stuart Staples |
Runtime | 89 min |