Watch In the City of Sylvia online
Can you stream the Drama & Romance movie In the City of Sylvia, directed by José Luis Guerín & starring Laurence Cordier, Michaël Balerdi, Pilar López de Ayala & Xavier Lafitte on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: In the City of Sylvia
A man returns to a city to try to track down a lovely woman he met six years earlier.
Its release date is Friday September 14, 2007
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Its release date is Friday September 14, 2007
Production details
Director | José Luis Guerín |
Cast | Laurence Cordier, Michaël Balerdi, Pilar López de Ayala & Xavier Lafitte |
Genre | Drama & Romance |
Country of origin | France & Spain |
Release date | 2007-09-14 |
Script | José Luis Guerín |
Cinematography | Natasha Braier |
Runtime | 84 min |