Watch Jack’s Back online
Can you stream the Horror & Thriller movie Jack’s Back, directed by Rowdy Herrington & starring Cynthia Gibb, James Spader, Jim Haynie & Robert Picardo on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Jack’s Back
A serial killer in Los Angeles celebrates Jack the Ripper's 100th birthday by committing similar murders and only one has a chance of stopping him.
TAGLINE: "One hundred years ago, in the City of London, in the East-End slum of Whitechapel, a man shocked the world by murdering, raping and mutilating five women. He was never caught." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday May 6, 1988
Production details
Director | Rowdy Herrington |
Cast | Cynthia Gibb, James Spader, Jim Haynie & Robert Picardo |
Genre | Horror & Thriller |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1988-05-06 |
Theme | Dual Role, Hypnosis, Jack Ripper & Scalpel |
Place setting | Los Angeles |
Location | Los Angeles |
Script | Rowdy Herrington |
Cinematography | Shelly Johnson (cinematographer) |
Music | Danny Di Paola |
Runtime | 97 min |