Watch Je préfère qu’on reste amis online
Can you stream the Comedy movie Je préfère qu’on reste amis, directed by Éric Toledano, Olivier Nakache & Olivier Nakache, Éric Toledano & starring Annie Girardot, Isabelle Renauld, Jean-Paul Rouve & Jonathan Lambert on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Je préfère qu’on reste amis
One is too shy to start a relationship, other too unsettled to stay in one. Will their friendship help them to find the right woman for both?
Its release date is Wednesday February 23, 2005
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Wednesday February 23, 2005
Production details
Director | Éric Toledano, Olivier Nakache & Olivier Nakache, Éric Toledano |
Cast | Annie Girardot, Isabelle Renauld, Jean-Paul Rouve & Jonathan Lambert |
Genre | Comedy |
Country of origin | France |
Release date | 2005-02-23 |
Script | Eric Toledano & Olivier Nakache |
Cinematography | Pascal Ridao |
Music | Bruno Coulais |
Runtime | 100 min |