Watch Joey and Ella online
Can you stream the Adventure, Comedy & Family movie Joey and Ella, directed by Stephen Shimek & starring Angela Tran, Ashton Leigh, Avalon Howard & Britt Allen on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Joey and Ella
When a baby kangaroo gets accidentally swept up in a jewelry heist, she becomes separated from her mother for the first time in her young life.
TAGLINE: "A Kangaroo Tail" All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday February 3, 2022
Production details
Director | Stephen Shimek |
Cast | Angela Tran, Ashton Leigh, Avalon Howard & Britt Allen |
Genre | Adventure, Comedy & Family |
Country of origin | Australia |
Release date | 2022-02-03 |
Script | Jerome Reygner-Kalfon, Nick Pollack & Sebastien Semon |
Runtime | 89 min |
Homepage | Joey and Ella Homepage |