Watch Justice League: War online

Can you stream the Animation movie Justice League: War, directed by Jay Oliva & starring Alan Tudyk, Michelle Monaghan, Sean Astin & Shemar Moore on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Justice League: War

The world's finest heroes found the Justice League in order to stop an alien invasion of Earth.

TAGLINE: "A time when heroes became legends."

All streaming services available

Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation
Its release date is Sunday February 2, 2014

Production details

Director Jay Oliva
Cast Alan Tudyk, Michelle Monaghan, Sean Astin & Shemar Moore
Genre Animation
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2014-02-02
Theme Alien Invasions, Based On Comic, Dc Comics, Super Power & Superhero Team
Script Bob Kane (character created by: Batman), Desaad & Parademons), Geoff Johns (comic book: "Justice League: Origin"), George Pérez (character created by: Cyborg), Heath Corson, Jack Kirby (characters created by: Darkseid, Jerry Siegel (character created by: Superman), Jim Lee (comic book: "Justice League: Origin"), Joe Shuster (character created by: Superman), Marv Wolfman (character created by: Cyborg) & William Moulton Marston (character created by: Wonder Woman)
Music * Kevin Kliesch
Costs $3,500,000
Box Office Revenue $5,155,325
Runtime 79 min


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