Watch K-911 online
Can you stream the Action, Comedy & Crime movie K-911, directed by Charles T. Kanganis & starring Christine Tucci, James Handy, Jim Belushi & Wade Williams on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: K-911
Mike Dooley has been teamed up with Jerry Lee, a German Shepherd dog, for nearly ten years, but Jerry Lee isn't as young as he once was, and Dooley's superiors suggest that maybe it's time ...
TAGLINE: "One's still a little smarter than the other" All streaming services available
Its release date is Tuesday December 7, 1999
Production details
Director | Charles T. Kanganis |
Cast | Christine Tucci, James Handy, Jim Belushi & Wade Williams |
Genre | Action, Comedy & Crime |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1999-12-07 |
Theme | Dogs, German Shepherd, Police Dog, Police Headquarter, Police Operation, Policeman & Shadowing |
Script | Gary Scott Thompson, Scott Myers (characters) & Steven Siegel (characters) |
Cinematography | George Mooradian |
Music | Stephen Edwards |
Runtime | 91 min |