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Can you stream the Drama movie King, directed by Prabu Solomon & starring Janagaraj, Nassar, Sneha & Vikram on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: King

Raja and his dad, who live in Hong Kong, are devastated when an accident leaves Raja's father on the verge of death. He decides to reunite his father with his grandfather in order to make them happy.

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Its release date is Friday September 6, 2002

Production details

Director Prabu Solomon
Cast Janagaraj, Nassar, Sneha & Vikram
Genre Drama
Country of origin India
Release date 2002-09-06
Place setting Hong Kong
Script Prabu Solomon
Runtime 157 min

Other Prabu Solomon Movies on Amazon Prime

King | Sep 6th, 2002

6.2/10 | By Prabu Solomon
India | Drama
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video