Watch Knives and Skin online

Can you stream the Drama movie Knives and Skin, directed by Jennifer Reeder & starring Ireon Roach, Kate Arrington, Tim Hopper & Tony Fitzpatrick on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Knives and Skin

A mystical teen noir that follows a young girl's disappearance in the rural Midwest and its effect on teens and parents.

TAGLINE: "Have You Seen Carolyn Harper?"

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Its release date is Tuesday July 9, 2019

Production details

Director Jennifer Reeder
Cast Ireon Roach, Kate Arrington, Tim Hopper & Tony Fitzpatrick
Genre Drama
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2019-07-09
Script Jennifer Reeder
Runtime 111 min
Homepage Knives and Skin Homepage


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Knives and Skin | Jul 9th, 2019

Knives and Skin
5.2/10 | By Jennifer Reeder
United States of America | Drama
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes