Watch Koati online

Can you stream the Animation & Music movie Koati, directed by Rodrigo Perez-Castro & starring Adriana Barraza, Eduardo Franco, Joe Manganiello & Sofía Vergara on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Koati

Three unlikely heroes - Nachi, a free-spirited coati; Xochi, a fearless monarch butterfly and Pako, a hyperactive glass frog - embark on an adventure to stop wicked coral snake Zaina from destroying their rain forest homeland.

TAGLINE: "Unidos through whatever"

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Its release date is Thursday August 5, 2021

Production details

Director Rodrigo Perez-Castro
Cast Adriana Barraza, Eduardo Franco, Joe Manganiello & Sofía Vergara
Genre Animation & Music
Country of origin Mexico
Release date 2021-08-05
Script Alan Resnick & Ligiah Villalobos
Runtime 92 min

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