Watch Kundun online

Can you stream the Drama movie Kundun, directed by Martin Scorsese & starring Gyurme Tethong, Tencho Gyalpo, Tenzin Thuthob Tsarong & Tsewang Migyur Khangsar on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Kundun

From childhood to adulthood, Tibet's fourteenth Dalai Lama deals with Chinese oppression and other problems.

TAGLINE: "The destiny of a people lies in the heart of a boy."

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Its release date is Thursday December 25, 1997

Production details

Director Martin Scorsese
Cast Gyurme Tethong, Tencho Gyalpo, Tenzin Thuthob Tsarong & Tsewang Migyur Khangsar
Genre Drama
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1997-12-25
Theme Biographical Religious Leaders, Buddha, Buddhism, Buddhist Monk, China, Dalai Lama, Lhasa, Mountain, Nobel Laureates & Tibet
Location Morocco
Script Melissa Mathison
Cinematography Roger Deakins
Music Philip Glass
Costs $28,000,000
Box Office Revenue $5,684,789
Runtime 134 min


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