Watch La Jetée online
Can you stream the Romance & Science Fiction movie La Jetée, directed by Chris Marker & starring Davos Hanich, Hélène Chatelain, Jacques Ledoux & Jean Négroni on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: La Jetée
The story of a man forced to explore his memories in the wake of World War III's devastation, told through still images.
Its release date is Friday February 16, 1962
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Its release date is Friday February 16, 1962
Production details
Director | Chris Marker |
Cast | Davos Hanich, Hélène Chatelain, Jacques Ledoux & Jean Négroni |
Genre | Romance & Science Fiction |
Country of origin | France |
Release date | 1962-02-16 |
Theme | Airport, Deja Vu, Experiment, Museum, Nuclear War, Paris France, Paris Orly & Radioaktivity |
Place setting | Paris |
Script | N/A |
Cinematography | Chris Marker |
Music | Trevor Duncan |
Runtime | 28 min |