Watch L’allenatore nel pallone 2 online
Can you stream the Comedy movie L’allenatore nel pallone 2, directed by Sergio Martino & starring Anna Falchi, Biagio Izzo, Giuliana Calandra & Lino Banfi on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: L’allenatore nel pallone 2
Its release date is Friday January 11, 2008
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Friday January 11, 2008
Production details
Director | Sergio Martino |
Cast | Anna Falchi, Biagio Izzo, Giuliana Calandra & Lino Banfi |
Genre | Comedy |
Country of origin | Italy |
Release date | 2008-01-11 |
Script | Franco Verucci (screenplay), Franco Verucci (story), Lino Banfi (screenplay), Luca Biglione (screenplay), Luca Biglione (story), Luciano Martino (screenplay), Luciano Martino (story), Riccardo Cassini (screenplay), Romolo Guerrieri (screenplay), Romolo Guerrieri (story), Sergio Martino (screenplay) & Sergio Martino (story) |
Cinematography | Bruno Cascio & Federico Zanni |
Music | Amedeo Minghi & Guido & Maurizio De Angelis |
Box Office Revenue | $10,743,767 |
Runtime | 108 min |