Watch Lantern’s Lane online

Can you stream the Horror movie Lantern’s Lane, directed by Justin LaReau & starring Andy Cohen, Ashley Doris, Brooke Butler & Sydney Carvill on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Lantern’s Lane

A recent college graduate and her estranged high school friends return to Lantern's Lane, the location of an evil urban legend and must fight to survive the night.

TAGLINE: "Some legends are real."

All streaming services available

Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes
Its release date is Friday November 5, 2021

Production details

Director Justin LaReau
Cast Andy Cohen, Ashley Doris, Brooke Butler & Sydney Carvill
Genre Horror
Release date 2021-11-05
Script Justin LaReau
Runtime 95 min


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