Watch Las Leyendas: El Origen online
Can you stream the movie Las Leyendas: El Origen, directed by Ricardo Arnaiz & starring Bruno Bichir, Eduardo España & Paola Ramones on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Las Leyendas: El Origen
The little Calavera duo, Finado and Moribunda, must leave their comfort zone away from Pueblo Calaca when a human infant crosses the Eternal Mirror, absorbing energy from a portal that separates the Realms from the living and dead.
Its release date is Friday April 17, 2020
All streaming services available
No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Friday April 17, 2020
Production details
Director | Ricardo Arnaiz |
Cast | Bruno Bichir, Eduardo España & Paola Ramones |
Country of origin | Mexico |
Release date | 2020-04-17 |
Place setting | Mexico |
Script | Angel Pulido |
Runtime | N/A |