Watch Lasa & Zabala online
Can you stream the Crime & Thriller movie Lasa & Zabala, directed by Pablo Malo & starring Francesc Orella, Oriol Vila, Ricard Sales & Unax Ugalde on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Lasa & Zabala
Lasa y Zabala case was the first action headed by GAL "antiterrorist group", in 1983. Two Spanish policeman, following the direct orders of the general Rodriguez Galindo, kidnapped two ETA ...
TAGLINE: "The Case Lasa and Zabala was the first terrorist act carried out by the Anti-Terrorist Liberation Groups (GAL)." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday October 17, 2014
Production details
Director | Pablo Malo |
Cast | Francesc Orella, Oriol Vila, Ricard Sales & Unax Ugalde |
Genre | Crime & Thriller |
Country of origin | Spain |
Release date | 2014-10-17 |
Script | Joanes Urkixo |
Runtime | 107 min |
Homepage | Lasa & Zabala Homepage |