Watch Laura online
Can you stream the Drama & Mystery movie Laura, directed by Otto Preminger & starring Clifton Webb, Dana Andrews, Gene Tierney & Vincent Price on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Laura
A police detective falls in love with the woman whose murder he is investigating.
TAGLINE: "The story of a love that became the most fearful thing that ever happened to a woman!" All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday October 11, 1944
Production details
Director | Otto Preminger |
Cast | Clifton Webb, Dana Andrews, Gene Tierney & Vincent Price |
Genre | Drama & Mystery |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1944-10-11 |
Theme | Advertising Expert, Detective, Investigation, Jealousy, Murder, Obsession, Romance & Shotgun |
Place setting | New York City |
Script | Elizabeth Reinhardt (screen play), Jay Dratler (screen play), Samuel Hoffenstein (screen play) & Vera Caspary (novel) |
Cinematography | Joseph LaShelle |
Music | David Raksin |
Costs | $1,020,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $2,000,000 |
Runtime | 88 min |