Watch Let Her Kill You online

Can you stream the Mystery & Thriller movie Let Her Kill You, directed by Jérôme Dassier & starring Asia Argento, Jeanne Balibar, Joseph Rezwin & Philippe Schuler on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Let Her Kill You

Anna, hoping to escape from the disturbing past and find peace, escapes to a secluded mountain chalet. But the old life catches up with her even here. The house is bugged, which means Anna will have to return to her former life as...

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Amazon Video Vudu
Its release date is Wednesday March 8, 2023

Production details

Director Jérôme Dassier
Cast Asia Argento, Jeanne Balibar, Joseph Rezwin & Philippe Schuler
Genre Mystery & Thriller
Country of origin France
Release date 2023-03-08
Script Didier Rouget & Jérôme Dassier
Costs $3,200,000
Runtime 94 min


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