Watch Let Yourself Go online

Can you stream the Comedy movie Let Yourself Go, directed by Francesco Amato & starring Carla Signoris, Luca Marinelli, Toni Servillo & Verónica Echegui on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Let Yourself Go

A psychoanalyst named Elia goes to the gym and meets a personal trainer who changes his life.

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Its release date is Thursday April 13, 2017

Production details

Director Francesco Amato
Cast Carla Signoris, Luca Marinelli, Toni Servillo & Verónica Echegui
Genre Comedy
Country of origin Italy
Release date 2017-04-13
Theme Friendship
Script Davide Lantieri, Francesco Amato & Francesco Bruni
Runtime N/A


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