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Can you stream the Drama movie Life, directed by Anton Corbijn, Roberto Benigni & Terrence Malick & starring Ben Kingsley, Dane DeHaan, Joel Edgerton & Robert Pattinson on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Life
When an open-minded Jewish librarian and his son become victims of the Holocaust, he uses a perfect mixture of will, humor, and imagination to protect his son from the dangers around their camp.
TAGLINE: "From Rebel to Icon" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday July 24, 2015
Production details
Director | Anton Corbijn, Roberto Benigni & Terrence Malick |
Cast | Ben Kingsley, Dane DeHaan, Joel Edgerton & Robert Pattinson |
Genre | Drama |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Release date | 2015-07-24 |
Theme | Actors, Biography, Buddy, Celebrity, Children, Evolution Popular Culture, James Dean, Magazine, Photographers & Religion |
Place setting | Indiana, Los Angeles, Manhattan, Texas & Tuscany |
Time setting | 1930s, 1939, 1940s, 1945, 1950s & 1955 |
Location | Houston, Texas & Toronto |
Script | Luke Davies (screenplay), Roberto Benigni (story and screenplay by) & Vincenzo Cerami (story and screenplay by) |
Cinematography | Charlotte Bruus Christensen, Emmanuel Lubezki & Tonino Delli Colli |
Music | Alexandre Desplat, Nicola Piovani & Owen Pallett |
Costs | $12,000,000 |
Runtime | 116 min |
Other Anton Corbijn Movies on Netflix
The American | Aug 31st, 2010
6.3/10 | By Anton Corbijn
The United States & United Kingdom | Crime, Drama & Thriller
Other Anton Corbijn Movies on Amazon Prime
Life | Jul 24th, 2015
8.6/10 | By Anton Corbijn, Roberto Benigni & Terrence Malick
United Kingdom | Drama
The American | Aug 31st, 2010
6.3/10 | By Anton Corbijn
The United States & United Kingdom | Crime, Drama & Thriller
Other Anton Corbijn Movies on Hulu
The American | Aug 31st, 2010
6.3/10 | By Anton Corbijn
The United States & United Kingdom | Crime, Drama & Thriller
A Most Wanted Man | Jul 25th, 2014
6.8/10 | By Anton Corbijn
The United States & United Kingdom | Conspiracy & Thriller