Watch Life as we know it online
Can you stream the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie Life as we know it, directed by Greg Berlanti & starring Christina Hendricks, Josh Duhamel, Josh Lucas & Katherine Heigl on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Life as we know it
Two single adults become caregivers to an orphaned girl when their mutual best friends die in an accident.
TAGLINE: "A comedy about taking it one step at a time." All streaming services available
Its release date is Saturday October 2, 2010
Production details
Director | Greg Berlanti |
Cast | Christina Hendricks, Josh Duhamel, Josh Lucas & Katherine Heigl |
Genre | Comedy, Drama & Romance |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2010-10-02 |
Theme | Adoption & Orphans, Baby, Co-parenting, Dating & Relationships, Dysfunctional Families, Godfather, Godmother, Loss Of Loved One, Orphan, Parenthood & Romantic Comedy |
Place setting | Atlanta |
Location | Atlanta |
Script | Ian Deitchman & Kristin Robinson |
Cinematography | Andrew Dunn (cinematographer) |
Music | Blake Neely |
Costs | $38,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $105,610,124 |
Runtime | 114 min |