Watch Longitude online
Can you stream the Drama, History & TV Movie movie Longitude, directed by Charles Sturridge & starring Ian Hart, Jeremy Irons, Michael Gambon & Peter Cartwright on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Longitude
Parallel stories: 18th century Harrison builds the marine chronometer for safe navigation at sea; 20th century Gould is obsessed with restoring it.
Its release date is Thursday January 13, 2000
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Thursday January 13, 2000
Production details
Director | Charles Sturridge |
Cast | Ian Hart, Jeremy Irons, Michael Gambon & Peter Cartwright |
Genre | Drama, History & TV Movie |
Country of origin | The United States & United Kingdom |
Release date | 2000-01-13 |
Script | Charles Sturridge & Dava Sobel (book) |
Cinematography | Peter Hannan |
Runtime | 200 min |