Watch Lost in Translation online

Can you stream the Drama movie Lost in Translation, directed by Sofia Coppola & starring Anna Faris, Bill Murray, Giovanni Ribisi & Scarlett Johansson on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Lost in Translation

A faded movie star and a neglected young woman form an unlikely bond after crossing paths in Tokyo.

TAGLINE: "Everyone wants to be found."

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Its release date is Sunday August 31, 2003

Production details

Director Sofia Coppola
Cast Anna Faris, Bill Murray, Giovanni Ribisi & Scarlett Johansson
Genre Drama
Country of origin Japan & The United States
Release date 2003-08-31
Theme Actors, Adultery, Age Difference, Commercial, Hotel Room, Japan, Karaoke, Language Translation, Photographer & Upper Class
Place setting Hotels, Kyoto & Tokyo
Location Kyoto Prefecture & Tokyo
Script Sofia Coppola
Cinematography Lance Acord
Music Kevin Shields
Costs $4,000,000
Box Office Revenue $119,723,856
Runtime 102 min


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Marie Antoinette | May 24th, 2006

Marie Antoinette
6.4/10 | By Sofia Coppola
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