Watch Lost Souls online
Can you stream the Horror & Thriller movie Lost Souls, directed by Janusz Kaminski & starring Ben Chaplin, Philip Baker Hall, Sarah Wynter & Winona Ryder on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Lost Souls
A Catholic teacher meets an atheist journalist, whom a group of Catholics and priests believes has been chosen by the devil himself to be the Antichrist.
Its release date is Friday October 13, 2000
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Its release date is Friday October 13, 2000
Production details
Director | Janusz Kaminski |
Cast | Ben Chaplin, Philip Baker Hall, Sarah Wynter & Winona Ryder |
Genre | Horror & Thriller |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2000-10-13 |
Theme | Anti-christ, autism, Daughter, Families, Incest, Murder & Pedophilia |
Script | Betsy Stahl (story), Pierce Gardner (screenplay) & Pierce Gardner (story) |
Cinematography | Mauro Fiore |
Music | Jan A. P. Kaczmarek & Jonathan Goldsmith (musician) |
Costs | $50,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $31,355,910 |
Runtime | 97 min |