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Can you stream the Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Lost Time, directed by Christian Sesma & starring Derek Mears, Luke Goss, Robert Davi & Rochelle Vallese on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Lost Time

After leaving a doctor visit with the worst news, Valerie Dreyfuss and her sister Melissa come to a stop on a lonely stretch of road. Their car is engulfed by a blinding light....12 hours ...

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Its release date is Friday September 19, 2014

Production details

Director Christian Sesma
Cast Derek Mears, Luke Goss, Robert Davi & Rochelle Vallese
Genre Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2014-09-19
Theme Documentary
Place setting Bolivia, Brazil, France & Ireland
Time setting 1923 & 1924
Location Northern Ireland
Script Christian Sesma, Kenneth Owens & Rochelle Vallese
Cinematography Darius Khondji & Jim Kunz
Music Christopher Spelman & Mark Raskin
Runtime 93 min


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