Watch Love’s Whirlpool online

Can you stream the Drama movie Love’s Whirlpool, directed by Daisuke Miura & starring Hirofumi Arai, Kenichi Takito, Mugi Kadowaki & Sosuke Ikematsu on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Love’s Whirlpool

From midnight to 5 AM, people gather at a high-end apartment in Roppongi to engage in promiscuous sexual activity. Story depicts the process of the men and women who meet for the first time there to have loveless sex.

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Its release date is Saturday March 1, 2014

Production details

Director Daisuke Miura
Cast Hirofumi Arai, Kenichi Takito, Mugi Kadowaki & Sosuke Ikematsu
Genre Drama
Country of origin Japan
Release date 2014-03-01
Theme Sex
Script Daisuke Miura (based on the play by) & Daisuke Miura (screenplay)
Runtime 123 min
Homepage Love’s Whirlpool Homepage
