Watch Lowriders online

Can you stream the Drama movie Lowriders, directed by Ricardo de Montreuil & starring Demián Bichir, Gabriel Chavarria, Melissa Benoist & Theo Rossi on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Lowriders

A young street artist in East Los Angeles is caught between his father's obsession with lowrider car culture, his ex-felon brother and his need for self-expression.

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Its release date is Friday April 28, 2017

Production details

Director Ricardo de Montreuil
Cast Demián Bichir, Gabriel Chavarria, Melissa Benoist & Theo Rossi
Genre Drama
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2017-04-28
Theme Artist, Automobiles, Brother, Car, East Los Angeles, Ex-con, Los Angeles, Street Artist & Young
Place setting Los Angeles
Location Los Angeles
Script Cheo Hodari Coker & Elgin James
Cinematography Andrés E. Sánchez
Music Bryan Senti
Costs $916,000
Box Office Revenue $6,179,955
Runtime 98 min


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Lowriders | Apr 28th, 2017

5.6/10 | By Ricardo de Montreuil
United States of America | Drama
Netflix Amazon Video HBO GO Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation