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Can you stream the Action, Drama & Thriller movie M, directed by Fritz Lang & starring Friedrich Gnaß, Gustaf Gründgens, Otto Wernicke & Peter Lorre on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: M
When the police in a German city are unable to catch a child-murderer, other criminals join in the manhunt.
Its release date is Monday May 11, 1931
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Its release date is Monday May 11, 1931
Production details
Director | Fritz Lang |
Cast | Friedrich Gnaß, Gustaf Gründgens, Otto Wernicke & Peter Lorre |
Genre | Action, Drama & Thriller |
Country of origin | Germany |
Release date | 1931-05-11 |
Theme | Berlin, Capital Punishment, Child Murderer, Criminal, Detective Inspector, Germany, Organized Crime, Psycho & Underworld |
Place setting | Berlin |
Location | Berlin & Germany |
Script | Fritz Lang (script) & Thea von Harbou (script) |
Cinematography | Fritz Arno Wagner |
Music | Edvard Grieg |
Runtime | 99 min |