Watch Ma vie de Courgette online
Can you stream the Animation, Drama, Family & Kids movie Ma vie de Courgette, directed by Claude Barras & starring Gaspard Schlatter, Michel Vuillermoz, Paulin Jaccoud & Sixtine Murat on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Ma vie de Courgette
After losing his mother, a young boy is sent to a foster home with other orphans his age where he begins to learn the meaning of trust and true love.
Its release date is Wednesday October 12, 2016
All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday October 12, 2016
Production details
Director | Claude Barras |
Cast | Gaspard Schlatter, Michel Vuillermoz, Paulin Jaccoud & Sixtine Murat |
Genre | Animation, Drama, Family & Kids |
Country of origin | France & Switzerland |
Release date | 2016-10-12 |
Theme | Adoption & Orphans, Alcoholic, Amusement Park, Orphanage, Police Officer & Thief |
Script | Céline Sciamma (screenplay), Claude Barras (contributing writer), Germano Zullo (contributing writer), Gilles Paris (novel) & Morgan Navarro (contributing writer) |
Cinematography | David Toutevoix |
Music | Sophie Hunger |
Costs | $8,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $292,279 |
Runtime | 70 min |