Watch Mad Cowgirl online

Can you stream the Horror movie Mad Cowgirl, directed by Gregory Hatanaka & starring Devon Odessa, James Duval, Sarah Lassez & Vic Chao on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Mad Cowgirl

A woman, who is dying of a brain disorder, begins a surreal journey which descends into violence.

TAGLINE: "If you eat it, you will be in Hell!"

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Its release date is Sunday January 1, 2006

Production details

Director Gregory Hatanaka
Cast Devon Odessa, James Duval, Sarah Lassez & Vic Chao
Genre Horror
Release date 2006-01-01
Location Los Angeles
Script Gregory Hatanaka & Norith Soth
Cinematography Spike Hasegawa
Runtime 89 min

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