Watch Mad Dog and Glory online

Can you stream the Comedy, Crime & Romance movie Mad Dog and Glory, directed by John McNaughton & starring Bill Murray, David Caruso, Robert De Niro & Uma Thurman on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Mad Dog and Glory

After his life is saved by a lonely cop, a mobster who moonlights as a stand-up comedian provides the cop with a beautiful young companion.

TAGLINE: "A cop who'd rather be an artist. A mobster who'd rather be a comic. And a woman who'd rather be anywhere but between them."

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Its release date is Friday March 5, 1993

Production details

Director John McNaughton
Cast Bill Murray, David Caruso, Robert De Niro & Uma Thurman
Genre Comedy, Crime & Romance
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1993-03-05
Theme City, Cop, Fistfight, Life-saver, Police & Singing
Place setting Chicago
Location Chicago
Script Richard Price
Cinematography Robby Müller
Music Elmer Bernstein
Box Office Revenue $11,081,586
Runtime 97 min


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