Watch Man on a Ledge online
Can you stream the Action, Adventure, Crime & Thriller movie Man on a Ledge, directed by Asger Leth & starring Ed Harris, Elizabeth Banks, Jamie Bell & Sam Worthington on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Man on a Ledge
As a police psychologist works to talk down an ex-con who is threatening to jump from a Manhattan hotel rooftop, the biggest diamond heist ever committed is in motion.
TAGLINE: "You can only push an innocent man so far" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday January 13, 2012
Production details
Director | Asger Leth |
Cast | Ed Harris, Elizabeth Banks, Jamie Bell & Sam Worthington |
Genre | Action, Adventure, Crime & Thriller |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2012-01-13 |
Theme | Brothers, Crime, Deception, Diamond Heist, Escaped Prisoner, Framed For A Crime, Negotiator, New York City, Robbery, Rooftop, Solitude & Suicide |
Place setting | Hotels & Manhattan |
Location | New York City |
Script | Pablo F. Fenjves |
Cinematography | Paul Cameron (cinematographer) |
Music | Henry Jackman |
Costs | $42,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $46,221,189 |
Runtime | 102 min |