Watch Manborg online

Can you stream the Horror & Science Fiction movie Manborg, directed by Steven Kostanski & starring Adam Brooks, Jeremy Gillespie, Matthew Kennedy & Meredith Sweeney on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Manborg

A soldier, brought back to life as a cyborg, fights alongside a band of adventurers against demon hordes in a dystopian future.

TAGLINE: "Revenge is Back"

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Its release date is Tuesday October 25, 2011

Production details

Director Steven Kostanski
Cast Adam Brooks, Jeremy Gillespie, Matthew Kennedy & Meredith Sweeney
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country of origin Canada
Release date 2011-10-25
Theme Cyborg & Dystopian Future
Location Winnipeg
Script Jeremy Gillespie & Steven Kostanski
Runtime 60 min
Homepage Manborg Homepage


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ABCs of Death 2 | Oct 2nd, 2014

ABCs of Death 2
5.4/10 | By Aharon Keshales, Alejandro Brugués, Alexandre Bustillo, Bill Plympton, Bruno Samper, Chris Nash, Dennison Ramalho, E.L. Katz, Erik Matti, Hajime Ohata, Jen Soska, Jerome Sable, Jim Hosking, Juan Martínez Moreno, Julian Barratt, Julian Gilbey, Julien Maury, Kristina Buozyte, Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen, Larry Fessenden, Marvin Kren, Navot Papushado, Robert Boocheck, Robert Morgan, Rodney Ascher, Sôichi Umezawa, Steven Kostanski, Sylvia Soska, Todd Rohal, Various directors, Vincenzo Natali & Wolfgang Matzl
New Zealand & The United States | Horror
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Manborg | Oct 25th, 2011

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ABCs of Death 2 | Oct 2nd, 2014

ABCs of Death 2
5.4/10 | By Aharon Keshales, Alejandro Brugués, Alexandre Bustillo, Bill Plympton, Bruno Samper, Chris Nash, Dennison Ramalho, E.L. Katz, Erik Matti, Hajime Ohata, Jen Soska, Jerome Sable, Jim Hosking, Juan Martínez Moreno, Julian Barratt, Julian Gilbey, Julien Maury, Kristina Buozyte, Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen, Larry Fessenden, Marvin Kren, Navot Papushado, Robert Boocheck, Robert Morgan, Rodney Ascher, Sôichi Umezawa, Steven Kostanski, Sylvia Soska, Todd Rohal, Various directors, Vincenzo Natali & Wolfgang Matzl
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