Watch Marine Boy online
Can you stream the Action & Thriller movie Marine Boy, directed by Jong-seok Yoon & Yoon Jong seok & starring Jo Jae-hyeon, Kim Joon-bae, Kim Kang-woo & Park Si-yeon on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Marine Boy
A swim instructor loses everything he has and is offered a debt free life if he smuggles drugs into the country by swimming underwater.
Its release date is Thursday February 5, 2009
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Thursday February 5, 2009
Production details
Director | Jong-seok Yoon & Yoon Jong seok |
Cast | Jo Jae-hyeon, Kim Joon-bae, Kim Kang-woo & Park Si-yeon |
Genre | Action & Thriller |
Country of origin | South Korea |
Release date | 2009-02-05 |
Script | Jong-seok Yoon |
Cinematography | Kim Ji yong |
Music | Jeong Jae il |
Box Office Revenue | $3,923,970 |
Runtime | 118 min |