Watch Meet The in-Laws online

Can you stream the Comedy movie Meet The in-Laws, directed by N/A & starring Adeniyi Johnson, Amaechi Muonagor, Kenneth Okolie & Tina Mba on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Meet The in-Laws

A Yoruba man proposes to his Igbo girlfriend, but when the news eventually reaches their parents, their reactions aren't exactly what they expected due to tribal prejudice. Rivalry between ...

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Its release date is Wednesday August 17, 2016

Production details

Director N/A
Cast Adeniyi Johnson, Amaechi Muonagor, Kenneth Okolie & Tina Mba
Genre Comedy
Country of origin Nigeria
Release date 2016-08-17
Place setting Chicago & New York (state)
Location New York (state)
Script Rita Onwurah
Runtime N/A

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