Watch Mind Ripper online

Can you stream the Horror & Science Fiction movie Mind Ripper, directed by Joe Gayton & starring Claire Stansfield, John Diehl, Lance Henriksen & Natasha Gregson Wagner on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Mind Ripper

Government scientists attempt to reanimate a corpse they found in the desert, but end up inadvertently creating a monster.

TAGLINE: "Live in horror. Die in fear."

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Its release date is Sunday October 8, 1995

Production details

Director Joe Gayton
Cast Claire Stansfield, John Diehl, Lance Henriksen & Natasha Gregson Wagner
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1995-10-08
Theme Cannibalism Fiction
Script Jonathan Craven & Phil Mittleman
Cinematography Fernando Argüelles
Music J. Peter Robinson
Costs $8,000,000
Runtime 108 min


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