Watch Misterio en Marbella online

Can you stream the movie Misterio en Marbella, directed by Johnny Acero & starring Bárbara López, Guillermo Quintanilla & Natasha Esca on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Misterio en Marbella

The ghost of his dead wife ruins all his dates, but this janitor is determined to find love again. When a series of robberies take place in his building, he is paired with his nerdy neighbor to find the thief, only to find that th...

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Its release date is Friday May 20, 2022

Production details

Director Johnny Acero
Cast Bárbara López, Guillermo Quintanilla & Natasha Esca
Release date 2022-05-20
Script Erick Hernandez
Runtime N/A