Watch Mixed by Erry online
Can you stream the Comedy, History & Music movie Mixed by Erry, directed by Sydney Sibilia & starring Emanuele Palumbo, Francesco Di Leva, Giuseppe Arena & Luigi D'Oriano on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Mixed by Erry
The rise and fall of the pirate mixtape empire of three brothers from Naples and their "Mixed by Erry"-trademarked cassettes that brought pop music to 1980s Italian youth.
Its release date is Thursday March 2, 2023
All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday March 2, 2023
Production details
Director | Sydney Sibilia |
Cast | Emanuele Palumbo, Francesco Di Leva, Giuseppe Arena & Luigi D'Oriano |
Genre | Comedy, History & Music |
Country of origin | Italy |
Release date | 2023-03-02 |
Theme | Based On Novel Or Book, Based On True Story & Music Piracy |
Script | Armando Festa, Simona Frasca & Sydney Sibilia |
Costs | $8,538,750 |
Runtime | 110 min |
Homepage | Mixed by Erry Homepage |