Watch Möbius online
Can you stream the Drama & Thriller movie Möbius, directed by Eric Rochant & starring Cécile de France, Émilie Dequenne, Jean Dujardin & Tim Roth on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Möbius
An FSB officer falls in love with his agent, an American woman, who works as a trader in a Russian bank.
Its release date is Sunday February 17, 2013
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Its release date is Sunday February 17, 2013
Production details
Director | Eric Rochant |
Cast | Cécile de France, Émilie Dequenne, Jean Dujardin & Tim Roth |
Genre | Drama & Thriller |
Country of origin | Luxembourg |
Release date | 2013-02-17 |
Theme | Money Laundering, Oligarch & Spy |
Script | Eric Rochant (screenplay) |
Runtime | 103 min |