Watch Mortal online
Can you stream the Action, Adventure, Fantasy & Thriller movie Mortal, directed by André Øvredal & starring Arthur Hakalahti, Iben Akerlie, Nat Wolff & Priyanka Bose on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Mortal
Fantasy adventure origin story about a young man discovering he has God-like powers based on ancient Norwegian mythology.
TAGLINE: "Courage is immortal." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday February 28, 2020
Production details
Director | André Øvredal |
Cast | Arthur Hakalahti, Iben Akerlie, Nat Wolff & Priyanka Bose |
Genre | Action, Adventure, Fantasy & Thriller |
Country of origin | Norway & United Kingdom |
Release date | 2020-02-28 |
Theme | American Revenge, Quantum Mechanics & Uxoricide Fiction |
Place setting | Asia, China & Europe |
Location | Adelaide, New Zealand & South Australia |
Script | André Øvredal, Geoff Bussetil & Norman Lesperance |
Box Office Revenue | $106,270 |
Runtime | 100 min |