Watch Mothers and Daughters online

Can you stream the Drama movie Mothers and Daughters, directed by Nigel Levy(co-director) & Paul Duddridge & starring Christina Ricci, Courteney Cox, Eva Amurri Martino & Susan Sarandon on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Mothers and Daughters

Interwoven stories of what it is to be a mom seen through the lens of photographer Rigby Gray.

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Its release date is Friday May 6, 2016

Production details

Director Nigel Levy(co-director) & Paul Duddridge
Cast Christina Ricci, Courteney Cox, Eva Amurri Martino & Susan Sarandon
Genre Drama
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2016-05-06
Theme Anthology, Daughter, Families, Holiday, Mother, Mother's Day & Photographer
Location Los Angeles
Script Paige Cameron (screenplay written by) & Paul Duddridge (based on concept by)
Cinematography Mikael Levin
Music David Hlebo
Runtime 90 min


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Mothers and Daughters | May 6th, 2016

Mothers and Daughters
4.9/10 | By Nigel Levy(co-director) & Paul Duddridge
United States of America | Drama
Netflix Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation