Watch Mr. Majestyk online
Can you stream the Action, Crime & Thriller movie Mr. Majestyk, directed by Richard Fleischer & starring Al Lettieri, Charles Bronson, Lee Purcell & Linda Cristal on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Mr. Majestyk
A melon farmer battles organized crime and a hit man who wants to kill him.
TAGLINE: "He didn't want to be hero... until the day they pushed him too far." All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday July 17, 1974
Production details
Director | Richard Fleischer |
Cast | Al Lettieri, Charles Bronson, Lee Purcell & Linda Cristal |
Genre | Action, Crime & Thriller |
Country of origin | United States of America |
Release date | 1974-07-17 |
Theme | Colorado, Farmer, Immigrant, Mobster, Organized Crime, Revenge & Watermelon |
Script | Elmore Leonard |
Runtime | 103 min |